Newton Learning Center
Northern Nevada

Cullen and Thomas – Your NLC family is so PROUD of you!!!

Way to go!

Cullen – Shining Star
Angel and Samuel – Most Improved Academics
Joseph – Most Impressive Personal Growth

Newton Learning Center
Pine Hill School
San Jose

Aaron Barbour
David Mussard
Bradlee Moreno
Zaahir Ingah
Kartar Bansel
Robert Peng
Max Ozumba
Pablo Davila Martinez
Mark Lui
Cesar Leon
Philipos Zerai
Max Erhan
Nicolas Garcia
Ricardo Gonzales
Albert Ngo
Max Ozumba
Pablo Martinez Davila
Nathan Ingram

Summer School sessions for Pine Hill & Newton San Jose and Pine Hill South Monterey are June 11 – July 20. No classes July 4. Please contact San Jose (408) 979-8210 and South Monterey (831) 236-8843 for more information.

Camp Newton in Reno is July 9 – 27 and offers a 3-week S.T.E.A.M. program. Visit our website for all the details! Sign up today!

Whether it’s at our San Jose Campus, Newton Learning Center of Northern Nevada or Pine Hill South, there’s always something new at our various Second Start programs! Stay in the loop with all of this month’s happenings with a quick run-down.
Pine Hill School & Newton Learning Center San Jose
June 11 – July 20: Summer school
July 4: No school in observance of Independence Day
Newton Learning Center Northern Nevada
July 9: Camp Newton begins
July 13: ACON’s “An Educated Taste For Autism Event” at Dolan Lexus

Click here for more information or to purchase tickets
July 27: Camp Newton ends
Pine Hill School South Monterey
June 11 – July 20: Summer school
July 4: No school in observance of Independence Day

Please share your story about our schools on Yelp or, so we can reach more families who could benefit from all the great programs and services we have to offer.

Copyright © 2018 Second Start Learning Disabilities Programs, Inc., All rights reserved.

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